I don't know about you, but sometimes my life feels like a sitcom. I think God puts these times in my life so I can replay them over and over, especially on days that seem to be long and tiring. One of my favorite sitcom memories is when I bought backpack leashes for our twins. Now, I must confess, when I was single and had no children I would question the parenting skills of women who would put such things on their children. I think that is why God blessed me with twins...after already having a 1 and a 3 year old. I used to be known around town as "that woman who pulls her twins in the red wagon." When the twins were about 2 years old I decided that my wagon pulling days were over and they should be old enough to walk around on their own. Because there were two of them I thought I would give the backpack leashes a try, then I would at least be able to keep them close and safe. We made trip to Walmart. I let each of the twins pick out which back...
Enjoying a simple life at home, loving my husband and children.