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Showing posts from February, 2013

An Update on Our Adoption Journey

We have come to the decision to stop the adoption process of Lucas. It was not a decision that we came to quickly. It was not an easy decision. It was a decision that breaks the heart of each one of us in our family. We have shed many tears and I am sure we will shed many more. Our children still include him in their prayers every night and talk about him often. To us, he was already a member of our family. There are many factors that we took into consideration before making this decision. We are all hurting and feeling the loss of this precious little boy. We already had Lucas in our home and our hearts. I cry when I look at his bed that we already had made for him, just waiting for him to come home so we could tuck him in. Even though we feel this is the right decision, there is a big part of me that is still hoping and praying for a miracle to happen so we can bring him home. I am not going to go into great detail about the specifics. If you would like to know more, please...

Living More Naturally

Our journey to living more naturally began about a year and a half ago after my youngest daughter had a bad reaction after receiving her chicken pox booster. It made me start looking at what is going in my children's (and myself & husband's) bodies. Since that time we have switched to buying eggs from local farms, grass-fed beef, hormone free chicken, we switched to fresh milk (hope to go to raw milk soon) and we started a garden. I also almost never go to the grocery store anymore. The majority of our food is bought through natural/organic co-ops. My most recently switch is that I started making kefir and kombucha. We have been enjoying the kefir for about a month and our first batch of kombucha is brewing on my kitchen counter. I use the kefir to make smoothies. I also add a  Garden of Life RAW probiotic to the children's smoothies. Two weeks ago my youngest came down with a stomach bug. She was vomiting for six hours. Every sip of water she took, she would just ...