Have you seen the pictures going around the web that show an elderly couple, holding each other hands, embracing each other, and you can see the sense of comfort on their faces. The picture tells how the couple has been married for decades and asks the question of how they managed to stay married so long. The answer, because they come from a generation where when something was broken, they fixed it. We have become a disposable world. We use disposable plates, disposable napkins, disposable cameras (okay, maybe not these as much). When new technology is introduced, there is a rush to buy it and get rid of the old (which, in some cases, in only a few months old). We want bigger, better, newer. We are not content. Why, then, is it surprising that so marriages are failing? If things are not going the way we want, if we are no longer content, we can just go out and replace our spouse. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea. (By the way, I have never liked that saying ... and I m...
Enjoying a simple life at home, loving my husband and children.