"We must think generationally. How we love our children today will be how they love their children tomorrow. How we live out Christ in our lives will leave its imprint and echo into the future. Every deed, every response, every act of kindness--it all matters." - How to Build a Strong Christian Home I started doing a study from How to Build a Strong Christian Home by June Fuentes. The first chapter is a study of A Multi-Generational Vision: Leaving a Legacy. Reading this chapter was an amazing, much needed reminder. It reminded me of my purpose. I need to think beyond myself. I need to think of my children and my grandchildren and beyond Honestly, up until a few years ago, my husband and I did not have multi-generational thinking. We were first introduced to multi-generational thinking when we went to the Teach Them Diligently Conference and listened to Voddie Baucham, Jr. From there, we heard about his books, Family Driven Faith and Family Shepherds. I highly re...
Enjoying a simple life at home, loving my husband and children.