I received a package today. A package containing tools to help us in our journey to financial peace. Dave Ramsey is selling a Financial Peace starter kit at a reduced price of $42 this month. I have heard stories of people having success with Financial Peace. Real people. Not rich people. People who make middle to low income wages like our family. That peaked my interest. I talked with my husband and asked him what he thought. I asked him if he would be willing to sit down and watch the DVD with me, if he would read the books. He agree and so began our journey. As I am typing, my husband is reading Dave Ramsey's "Complete Guide to Money". I took a break from reading Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" in order to write this post. I am hoping that by sharing in our journey that a couple things will happen. First, that others will be encouraged to start their own financial peace journey. Second, that by sharing our journey it will help me with acc...
Enjoying a simple life at home, loving my husband and children.