Our children are getting older and I want them to start journaling. I want them to write down their thoughts for the day, but I also want them to journal with purpose. Our middle daughter is starting to experience more emotions as she is getting older. I am noticing that she is focusing more on things that went wrong in the day instead of the joys of the day. I came up with the idea of purposefully journaling and wanted to find the perfect journal for her to get started. A journal that would help her focus on joy! I decided to visit DaySpring and to look at their journals. I am so glad I did. I found the everyday joy journal. It is perfect! I want my children to journal with purpose. I want them to focus more on the blessings and joys of the day than focus on the negatives or disappointments of the day. Each day can be (and usually is) filled with both. It is my hope that positive thoughts will be come the norm and negative thoughts and disappointments will be lost at the end...
Enjoying a simple life at home, loving my husband and children.