Yesterday was our first day of homeschooling. My 1st grader must have been excited, because he was up at 4:30 a.m. I don't know if I was more excited or nervous. Being completely responsible for the education of our four children is a lot of responsibility! Will I be able to do it. NO! It will not be me who educates them, it will be all God. I know that I cannot do this alone. I know that I don't have the patience, knowledge, dedication, patience . . .
My quiet time with God these past two days has been exactly what I needed. Yesterday's time was about fear. And, believe me, I was full of fear starting to homeschool. Today's time was about A Mother's Greatest Joy. Our greatest joy as mothers should not be if our child wins the game, if our child gets the highest grade in the class, if our child gets the lead in a play. Yes, those are great accomplishments, fantastic accomplishments, and we should be proud. But, our greatest joy should be that our children know God, speak of Him freely, think of Him often, and yearn to please Him. This is what I need to be teaching them.
My quiet time with God these past two days has been exactly what I needed. Yesterday's time was about fear. And, believe me, I was full of fear starting to homeschool. Today's time was about A Mother's Greatest Joy. Our greatest joy as mothers should not be if our child wins the game, if our child gets the highest grade in the class, if our child gets the lead in a play. Yes, those are great accomplishments, fantastic accomplishments, and we should be proud. But, our greatest joy should be that our children know God, speak of Him freely, think of Him often, and yearn to please Him. This is what I need to be teaching them.
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9
I pray that I teach my children to lean on and turn to God in all they do. I pray that I teach them to thank Him every day, no matter what that day held. I pray that they turn to Him for everything. I pray that their measurement of success is not of the world, but of what they are doing for God.
I loved the excitement my children had yesterday. I love that, when their dad came home, they all were excited to show him what they did that day. Sure, there were breakdowns and stubborn moments and the kids had some rough times too. But in the end, it is all worth it. I know that I am doing what God wants me to do.
I pray that I teach my children to lean on and turn to God in all they do. I pray that I teach them to thank Him every day, no matter what that day held. I pray that they turn to Him for everything. I pray that their measurement of success is not of the world, but of what they are doing for God.
I loved the excitement my children had yesterday. I love that, when their dad came home, they all were excited to show him what they did that day. Sure, there were breakdowns and stubborn moments and the kids had some rough times too. But in the end, it is all worth it. I know that I am doing what God wants me to do.
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