Our family has experienced a March Madness of a different kind. Yes, my husband does participate in filling out a bracket every year with his college friends, but that is not the March Madness I am talking about. This has been our month of March so far .... 1 - On the same day, my husband and I both received calls from Michigan that we had ailing grandparents. We decided to take an unplanned trip up to Michigan. 2 - The day before we were to leave for our unplanned trip to Michigan, my husband accidentially backed into a car in a parking lot and the owner insisted on calling the police. There was no damage to our van, and only a small paint chip on her car. Both my husband and the other driver received tickets for No Proof of Insurance (it was at that time I remembered the proof of insurance was on my desk at home) 3 - Upon returning from Michigan we realized there was something wrong with our van. We took it into the service station whe...
Enjoying a simple life at home, loving my husband and children.