I must confess, I am a control freak. I have a certain way that I like the dishwasher to be loaded. I have a certain way that I like the laundry folded. I have certain ways I like things to be put away.
Because of this I struggle with letting go of chores that I could be giving to our children. I know that I cannot keep this house clean, organized and together all by myself. I must have help. Plus, I think children need to learn that in order for a house to run well, everyone has to help.
Over the next month, I am going to make a chore chart. I have seen some great ones on other mom blogs. Our children already have their morning chores of making their beds, brushing their teeth and cleaning their rooms. All of those chores center around just themselves. I want them to branch out and know what it takes to keep the whole house running.
I saw a chore chart video on Smockity Frocks. If you have not visited her blog, I highly recommend that you do. She is a homeschooling mom of 8. I just love reading her blog and learning from her.
Anyways, she has a daily schedule on her wall that incorporates chores, school, meals, everything! She has the kids color coded (so do I) and has their days scheduled out on one big board. She even has chores for the little ones. I love that she starts teaching them when they are young that everyone helps out around the house.
I don't have anywhere I can hang a big board, but I will come up with something. I will learn to let go!
What do you do for a chore system?
Because of this I struggle with letting go of chores that I could be giving to our children. I know that I cannot keep this house clean, organized and together all by myself. I must have help. Plus, I think children need to learn that in order for a house to run well, everyone has to help.
Over the next month, I am going to make a chore chart. I have seen some great ones on other mom blogs. Our children already have their morning chores of making their beds, brushing their teeth and cleaning their rooms. All of those chores center around just themselves. I want them to branch out and know what it takes to keep the whole house running.
I saw a chore chart video on Smockity Frocks. If you have not visited her blog, I highly recommend that you do. She is a homeschooling mom of 8. I just love reading her blog and learning from her.
Anyways, she has a daily schedule on her wall that incorporates chores, school, meals, everything! She has the kids color coded (so do I) and has their days scheduled out on one big board. She even has chores for the little ones. I love that she starts teaching them when they are young that everyone helps out around the house.
I don't have anywhere I can hang a big board, but I will come up with something. I will learn to let go!
What do you do for a chore system?
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