My daughters are seven and eight years old. When they were younger, they would always want to be in the kitchen with me. I would like to say that I encouraged it, but I did not. I was always trying to just get to get things done quickly so everyone could eat. I deeply regret the way I acted.
I know that there is still time to teach them. I know they are still young, but I miss the eagerness that my eight year old once had. She is slowly getting it back, the more I ask her to help out.
I regret that they saw me just trying to get things done and they didn't see the joy that being a homemaker brings me. I adore my family and preparing meals for them, maintaining the house (well...attempting) and homeschooling bring me joy on a daily basis. I cannot think of anything else I would rather be doing. This is my dream job!
If there are any young women I should be a mentor to, it is my own daughters. I need to not just teach them with my words, but with my actions.
The past couple weeks, I have been intentionally inviting the girls into the kitchen with me. They each have been baking bread, helping with dinner preparations, and most importantly, seeing joy!
Time is going by too fast with my children. I am thankful that God is revealing to me things I need to work on before it is too late. It is my prayer that I raise joyful homemakers who love the Lord, their husbands and their children.
My eight year old helping me make peach cobbler.
I regret that I did not encourage them to be in the kitchen with me while they were so eager to be. I regret always being in a hurry and just trying to get things done.
My seven year old making oven baked tacos.
I know that there is still time to teach them. I know they are still young, but I miss the eagerness that my eight year old once had. She is slowly getting it back, the more I ask her to help out.
I regret that they saw me just trying to get things done and they didn't see the joy that being a homemaker brings me. I adore my family and preparing meals for them, maintaining the house (well...attempting) and homeschooling bring me joy on a daily basis. I cannot think of anything else I would rather be doing. This is my dream job!
"the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things - that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed." Titus 2:3-5
If there are any young women I should be a mentor to, it is my own daughters. I need to not just teach them with my words, but with my actions.
The past couple weeks, I have been intentionally inviting the girls into the kitchen with me. They each have been baking bread, helping with dinner preparations, and most importantly, seeing joy!
Time is going by too fast with my children. I am thankful that God is revealing to me things I need to work on before it is too late. It is my prayer that I raise joyful homemakers who love the Lord, their husbands and their children.
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