I stand in the kitchen making my coffee and my daughter comes in to join me. I must confess, when I hear her coming, I envision her in piggy tails. I envision that I am going to need to look down to see her. I envision that I am going to need to kneel to get down to her sweet little face and look into her beautiful bright eyes.
What I envision, is simply memories. She now stands up tall to my shoulders. There is no longer a need to kneel down to her level. She is almost eye to eye.
She asks if she can make herself some toast. As I watched her moving around the kitchen as if it were her own, I couldn't help but remember when I used to make her toast for her. I couldn't help but remember when I first started teaching her how to prepare her own foods.
Those moments flew by so fast.
There is no longer a need for me to tell her how hot the toaster gets. There is no longer a need for me to help her get things out of the cupboards, she simply has to reach up to get them herself. There is no longer a need for me to tell her to be careful with a butter knife, that just because it doesn't look sharp, it can still hurt her. She needs no help from me. She needs no assistance. She is growing into a young woman right before my eyes.
Those moments of teaching her the basic skills around the kitchen are gone. But the moments of teaching her the value of herself are not. There are so many things she still needs to learn in the short time we have her in our care.
I want her to know that she is beautiful. That God created her beautiful.
I want her to know that beauty on the inside is more important than beauty on the outside.
I want her to know that when she feels weak, He can make her strong.
I want her to know that when growing up is difficult, that she can lean on Him for comfort.
I want her to know that time goes by too quickly, to not be in such a hurry to help time along.
I want her to enjoy each stage of her life. The next stage will always be there but she cannot get the past back.
I want her to appreciate the many blessings in her life. Especially the things we forget are blessings.
We have such a short time to teach and guide our children. It is my prayer that my days are spent being intentional about what God wants her to learn. Intentional about teaching her to put God first. Intentional about living life for His glory.
What I envision, is simply memories. She now stands up tall to my shoulders. There is no longer a need to kneel down to her level. She is almost eye to eye.
She asks if she can make herself some toast. As I watched her moving around the kitchen as if it were her own, I couldn't help but remember when I used to make her toast for her. I couldn't help but remember when I first started teaching her how to prepare her own foods.
Those moments flew by so fast.
There is no longer a need for me to tell her how hot the toaster gets. There is no longer a need for me to help her get things out of the cupboards, she simply has to reach up to get them herself. There is no longer a need for me to tell her to be careful with a butter knife, that just because it doesn't look sharp, it can still hurt her. She needs no help from me. She needs no assistance. She is growing into a young woman right before my eyes.
Those moments of teaching her the basic skills around the kitchen are gone. But the moments of teaching her the value of herself are not. There are so many things she still needs to learn in the short time we have her in our care.
I want her to know that she is beautiful. That God created her beautiful.
I want her to know that beauty on the inside is more important than beauty on the outside.
Beauty is when people see God's love when they look at you
Beauty is in kindness
Beauty is in listening
Beauty is in serving
Beauty is in giving
Beauty is in loving
Beauty is in caring
I want her to know that when she feels weak, He can make her strong.
I want her to know that when growing up is difficult, that she can lean on Him for comfort.
I want her to know that time goes by too quickly, to not be in such a hurry to help time along.
I want her to enjoy each stage of her life. The next stage will always be there but she cannot get the past back.
I want her to appreciate the many blessings in her life. Especially the things we forget are blessings.
We have such a short time to teach and guide our children. It is my prayer that my days are spent being intentional about what God wants her to learn. Intentional about teaching her to put God first. Intentional about living life for His glory.
Made me tear up.
Just beautiful.
Gotta go hug my girl now.
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