Good morning, Moms! I am sitting here with my four children, enjoying my second cup of coffee after completing my morning bible study. I am a little tired because a couple of my children kept me up a bit past my bedtime. If I am completely honest here, it was way past my bedtime. The older I get the earlier I am ready for bed.
One of my daughter's came in my room three different times to tell me about the book she was reading. She has been reading a series that has, a few times, brought her to me with tears streaming down her cheeks. Last night, however, the story was ending and there was some happy moments. She simply could not wait til morning to tell me. This is the same girl who, a couple years ago, refused to read. She wanted nothing to do with reading at all. Now she gets so in to the stories that she is emotionally connected. It is great to witness this transformation in her.
After my daughter went back to bed, for the fourth time, I started to drift off to sleep .... but only for a moment. I was awoken to the sounds of a terrified cry. I don't know if you have every been awoken to that sound, but it is one a child gets when they are so scared they are shaking. Our oldest son was bringing our youngest son in our room. They both were trying to tell me what happened, but neither could be understood. My husband had already been asleep, and was also awoken. I quickly got up and took the boys back to their room so I could talk to them and comfort our youngest son. There was no point in both parents being up.
The sounds of the night, along with his vivid imagination, had brought the sights and sounds of the night to life. He was certain that what he had heard and what he had seen were real. I decided to grab my blankets and pillow and lay with him for awhile. After about thirty minutes, he started to realize what he had actually heard. As we laid there, we were able to figure out what each sound he heard actually was and what each thing he had seen actually was. That was all it took for his imagination to rest for the night and shortly after he was sound asleep.
I am a bit tired this morning, but I wouldn't have changed last night. I am thankful that each of our children know that I am there for them no matter the hour. If they have something on their mind and on their heart that they need to share, that I will be there to listen.
I have been completing The Gospel-Centered Mom
bible study, by Sara Wallace. It has been a very encouraging study. In the study, Sara reminds us that we are the first impressions our children have to God Himself, that we begin to paint a picture for them of who God is. By getting up with my children during the night, I am demonstrating to them how God is always available to them. Am I comparing myself to God. Absolutely not! But we are to be like Christ. I want my children to see Christ through me so that they will want to live for Christ as well.
Moms, our days are long, but the years are short. Every season will have moments that drain you physically and spiritually. When you are drained, turn to Christ, he will replenish you. Be encouraged that what you are doing is so important. God has blessed you with your children. He chose you because he knew you were exactly who your children need. Have a blessed day, ladies!
This post was shared on Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays Link-up.
One of my daughter's came in my room three different times to tell me about the book she was reading. She has been reading a series that has, a few times, brought her to me with tears streaming down her cheeks. Last night, however, the story was ending and there was some happy moments. She simply could not wait til morning to tell me. This is the same girl who, a couple years ago, refused to read. She wanted nothing to do with reading at all. Now she gets so in to the stories that she is emotionally connected. It is great to witness this transformation in her.
After my daughter went back to bed, for the fourth time, I started to drift off to sleep .... but only for a moment. I was awoken to the sounds of a terrified cry. I don't know if you have every been awoken to that sound, but it is one a child gets when they are so scared they are shaking. Our oldest son was bringing our youngest son in our room. They both were trying to tell me what happened, but neither could be understood. My husband had already been asleep, and was also awoken. I quickly got up and took the boys back to their room so I could talk to them and comfort our youngest son. There was no point in both parents being up.
The sounds of the night, along with his vivid imagination, had brought the sights and sounds of the night to life. He was certain that what he had heard and what he had seen were real. I decided to grab my blankets and pillow and lay with him for awhile. After about thirty minutes, he started to realize what he had actually heard. As we laid there, we were able to figure out what each sound he heard actually was and what each thing he had seen actually was. That was all it took for his imagination to rest for the night and shortly after he was sound asleep.
I am a bit tired this morning, but I wouldn't have changed last night. I am thankful that each of our children know that I am there for them no matter the hour. If they have something on their mind and on their heart that they need to share, that I will be there to listen.
I have been completing The Gospel-Centered Mom
Moms, our days are long, but the years are short. Every season will have moments that drain you physically and spiritually. When you are drained, turn to Christ, he will replenish you. Be encouraged that what you are doing is so important. God has blessed you with your children. He chose you because he knew you were exactly who your children need. Have a blessed day, ladies!
This post was shared on Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays Link-up.
Oh, I agree - the days are long but the years are short.
ReplyDeleteMy kids are now both in college. It seems like just yesterday they were playing around at my feet. Time does fly!
Sounds like you are a wonderful mom enjoying each moment - even when those moments come late at night!
Hope you have your family have a blessed day today~
I came over on Wise Woman,
Thank you so much for reply. You are so sweet!
DeleteYou have a bless day also.