I received a package today. A package containing tools to help us in our journey to financial peace.
Dave Ramsey is selling a Financial Peace starter kit at a reduced price of $42 this month. I have heard stories of people having success with Financial Peace. Real people. Not rich people. People who make middle to low income wages like our family. That peaked my interest.
I talked with my husband and asked him what he thought. I asked him if he would be willing to sit down and watch the DVD with me, if he would read the books. He agree and so began our journey.
As I am typing, my husband is reading Dave Ramsey's "Complete Guide to Money". I took a break from reading Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" in order to write this post. I am hoping that by sharing in our journey that a couple things will happen. First, that others will be encouraged to start their own financial peace journey. Second, that by sharing our journey it will help me with accountability.
My favorite quote so far from Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" is "...personal finance is 80 percent behavior and only 20 percent head knowledge." We need to change our behavior. We need to change the way we look at money.
This weekend, my husband and I will sit down and watch the DVD. We have already written out all of our bills. Seeing our total amount of debt is eye opening. I knew we had debt, but I never quite felt like seeing the total amount. I guess you could call it denial by avoidance.
Over the next weeks and months I will share with you our journey. I will share with you as we meet the goals we set. I will share when things are good and when things aren't ... well .... going towards our goals like we want them to.
Have any of you gone through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace? Any advice for a person just starting out?
Here the link to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace starter kit on his website - http://www.daveramsey.com/. This is not an affiliate link. I will not make any money if you click on it. You, however, may find your way to Financial Peace.
Dave Ramsey is selling a Financial Peace starter kit at a reduced price of $42 this month. I have heard stories of people having success with Financial Peace. Real people. Not rich people. People who make middle to low income wages like our family. That peaked my interest.
I talked with my husband and asked him what he thought. I asked him if he would be willing to sit down and watch the DVD with me, if he would read the books. He agree and so began our journey.
As I am typing, my husband is reading Dave Ramsey's "Complete Guide to Money". I took a break from reading Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" in order to write this post. I am hoping that by sharing in our journey that a couple things will happen. First, that others will be encouraged to start their own financial peace journey. Second, that by sharing our journey it will help me with accountability.
My favorite quote so far from Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" is "...personal finance is 80 percent behavior and only 20 percent head knowledge." We need to change our behavior. We need to change the way we look at money.
This weekend, my husband and I will sit down and watch the DVD. We have already written out all of our bills. Seeing our total amount of debt is eye opening. I knew we had debt, but I never quite felt like seeing the total amount. I guess you could call it denial by avoidance.
Over the next weeks and months I will share with you our journey. I will share with you as we meet the goals we set. I will share when things are good and when things aren't ... well .... going towards our goals like we want them to.
Have any of you gone through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace? Any advice for a person just starting out?
Here the link to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace starter kit on his website - http://www.daveramsey.com/. This is not an affiliate link. I will not make any money if you click on it. You, however, may find your way to Financial Peace.
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